Sunday, October 18, 2015

What's your excuse?

     Christians will get you every time. They know all the right verses, to justify just about anything. I call that "playing the God card". Yep, you have that card tucked away in your back pocket for those moments when you totally screw up and you need a God to hide behind. 

     Now before you drag out your color coded Bible to beat me over the head with, take a deep breath and keep reading.

     Once upon a time there was this pastor, he was the leader of a church, actually he had a big role in starting this brand spanking new church in a little town, and it was great for a while, until he decided that God was calling him to plant a new church. He passed the reigns of the church on to another man, and he picked up his faithful wife and kids and moved his family to a new town to start a new life. Which was fine with me, some folks in that church felt abandoned and betrayed, but personally I felt like he was free to chose his life path as he saw fit. 

     After that, I kind of lost track of the going ons in his life, but heard through the magic of social media and people that still kept in touch, that after the new church plant took off he decided that his new life calling was to become a chaplain in the army and moved his family again. Then after that adventure, he felt he needed to leave the "pastor world" move to Alaska and go back to work in the medical field. Fast forward to present day. 

    As all things done in the dark come to the light, people began to learn that while he was planting his 2nd church he began an affair. After moving to Alaska he decided that the best thing for his family was to divorce his wife and continue relations with the other woman. 

     Now let's take a pause right there, while you wrap your head around THAT! cause yes friends, I can't  make this shit up. Now if I'm being honest, do I care that he cheated on his wife? Do I care that he divorced her for another woman? Nope, happens every damn day in this world. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for his wife, and even feel some anger for the amount of betrayal and humiliation she has had to endure. I also feel for his sons, what do these kids tell people that doesn't make them feel shame of some sort? It's all a very sad situation. 

     Now recently, again because of the beautiful interwebs, an apology has come out. He is very sorry for "straying" , and putting his now ex wife through hell, but he reason he did it was because " he fell away from God" and "Got off the path God had him on" and blah blah blah....BUT friends there is a silver lining to all his unfaithfulness to God, he states that even though he ventured off the path God wanted him on, God is still using him to be a vessel to share the good news with others....yes folks he played his God card, and now he is entitled to every ounce of holy forgiveness that his brothers and sisters can give. AMEN! 

     To all of that, I will raise you one with my bullshit card. Seriously people, do we still fall for this, the devil made me do it crap? Do we not hold people accountable for their actions because they are Christian? And why all the show boating? Why put this on social media? Is it okay to portray yourself as a victim because you commited the one sin in your marriage that you knew damn well you shouldn't have? 

    You see folks, it's not the act/action that grinds my gears, it's the reaction to your faults. You need to take responsibility , if you feel you need to tell me something, tell me that you totally hurt your family in a way that no one else could and that it was all your fault and you will spend the rest of your life feeling like shit about it, because THATS WHAT YOU DID! Don't hide behind God and don't act as though you are entitled to something because you stuck your Christian beliefs all up in the re-mix. 

     We are in fact all humans, with our own short comings. Your not better because you have a relationship with Christ, you have the gift of heaven to look forward too because every sin you have ever commited and every sin you will commit has been paid for in blood. Your not righteous because you went on social media and patted yourself on the back for admitting your sin. Women have been aware for ever  that there is not enough blood in the whole world to make two heads work at the same time, but we expect that when we chose a husband, mate, life partner (whatever) he is loyal to us and only us. 

     Maybe I'm too harsh, maybe my expectations are too high. Maybe he does deserve the forgiveness of all because he calls himself a Christian. But, maybe he deserves to hurt as his family hurt because he was disloyal. Or maybe, we should just file this under "things that shouldn't be on Facebook" so you can focus on the ones you hurt and not the opinion of social media. 



Thursday, February 6, 2014

I'll be praying for you!

Has something happened that rocked your world? Something completely unexpected? Did you lose your job? Did you lose someone you love? Are you fighting with your significant other? In the wake if this horrible event, how many phone calls did you recieve with someone on the other end telling you how sorry they are and that they will be praying for you? Did those words comfort you? Did those words really mean anything to you? 

Or MAYBE you looked around at the people who came to support you in your time of need and thought "do you only pray when something bad happens?" Maybe it's just me, but sometimes I wonder....

I look around at the people closest to me and I just know they are praying, I don't expect them to tell me or post those words on my Facebook. 

It makes me wonder if those who behind the screen or on the other end if the phone really "pray" at all, or if just when things are bad? It also makes me wonder if they pray for me for my sake or there's? 

Now don't get me wrong, I understand sometimes your friends are in different states, countries and time zones, and the only way they CAN express their concern for you is through the phone or social media. But even then don't those check back in with you? Don't you hear from them in a short period of time and they want to know how YOU are? I am not referring to those friends. 

In this edition, I am mostly refering to those that "play a role" in life, no matter what that role is, they can turn concern on and off as the situation calls for. They don't really care about how you are on a day to day basis, and in turn you probably feel the same because you are never really sure of the motivation behind the concern. 

Let's get back to real friendship. People we can call at any given time and vent,complain, or cry at any given time, and not have to wonder if they really care or if they will "be praying for you". Let's not define our worth by the amount of likes we get. 

To have real life fellowship we need real life people who don't always say the right things or do the right things, but you know deep in your heart that those band of misfits you surround yourself with care more about you, then the person who spits out the cookie cutter terms as the situation deems. 

Just my humble opinion, love it or leave it ;) 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Gay can't be normal? can it???

             Lately the big topic of discussion has been the "gay" issue. for me it's not an issue, I'm not gay, and I won't try to be cliche and say I have gay friends, cause I don't. I had a Gay professor once, I liked her she was good at teaching. I do know this one gay man who sometimes helps my Dad, I like him, we have had some great conversation about shoes!

            But recently, the discussion came up in my own house hold because of a song:  Same Love, has anyone else heard this song? Oh the controversy!!!! Personally I love the song. I think it's absolutely beautiful. But I digress... my 13 year old loves this song. And my 20 year old wondered if it was okay that I let her listen to it. I thought for a second and said, I would rather allow her to listen to things that the "normals" label as wrong then allow her to be a homophobic. The 20 year old said, " your a good mom". even though that made me all warm and fuzzy inside I still haven't been able to get the conversation out of my head.

        See my children know what I believe. They know that I believe that Jesus came and died for my sins, because I am a sinner, every single day of my life I am a sinner, I am the living, breathing, walking, talking (like a sailor), reason a savior is needed! That being said I wonder, who am I to judge? isn't there enough hate in the world without me adding to the masses? Not that I am overly important, but apparently I do have some influence on the little humans I have brought into this world, and I don't anyone to judge my humans, on how they look, speak, act, or how they chose to live, so why would I do it to someone else just because I'm not gay?

Here is the bottom line of my opinion on this "issue", ( and why is it an "issue"?) I am only responsible for myself, I am not Christ, I am not any less of a sinner because I happen to like men, and I am FAR from perfect. If two men want to get married, what the hell do I care????  How is it hurting me or my family if my neighbors happen to be two women?

Oh I know, I'm going to get hated on because I am now "tolerant" and "gay lovin" , and how on earth can I profess Christ as my savior when it clearly states in the good book and gay is WRONG???? Well, here's what my pierced, tattooed ass has to say about all better be perfect. because in my life experience I have learned that those who protest the most about something usually have something to hide.

There is enough hate in this world, and this life is too short to spend it hating someone for something I have no control over, and when my time comes and I have to meet my maker, the last thing I want to talk about is why I spent so much of my life hating his people instead of loving his people.

That's my humble opinion, love it or leave it, but there is always more then one way to look at things.